Originally Posted by Mainahs70
I just read about crown vetch. It seems like a good choice to get vegetation growing. What's the difference between that and Hairy Vetch?

Hairy Vetch grows much taller and is an annual. It seeds each year and can be problematic. I've seen it grow as high as my hip. Its flowers are light to dark purple.

Crown vetch is a perennial. Where I have seen it growing, it grows to just about knee high. It is toxic to horses but I don't know just how great that risk is. You definitely don't want to feed horses the hay but whether horses will eat much of it when provided other good forage is something others can comment on. Crown vetch looks manicured compared to Hairy Vetch which looks very unkempt. The blooms of Crown Vetch vary from white to pink to light purplish. In stands, I've seen, the color of blooms didn't have consistent color. Honey bees are highly attracted to Crown Vetch while Bumble Bees are attracted to Hairy Vetch.





Last edited by jpsdad; 04/07/21 09:07 AM.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers