Harvey, I'm glad to hear that the signs may be working for you. Sometimes people need to be told that their activities are being seen.

Meadowlark, you mentioned that your cameras and traps seemed to be working. What did you mean by "traps?"

Also one other thing I've noticed: This is my seventh year owning my pond. The trespassing has seemed to go in cycles. Part of me believes that some of it is associated with kids, which unfortunately can be a regenerating problem. Once kids turn 16 years old, they can drive to more exciting things (or where the girls are) so they don't screw with your pond, but then you have the next group of kids who are now 12 to 15 years old.

Now certainly there are adults who are trespassing too. For Dave with those dead turtles, you have to wonder if that's a kid or an adult. If it's a kid, you really have to wonder about the parents who are letting the kid just shoot things with a rifle or pistol. The adults are always the ones who think they have some hick right to your property.

During my first year owning my pond, some chump actually came up to me and said "we hunted and fished here all of our lives, and now you own the place for six months, and we're not allowed on the property!"

I simply told him he should have bought the place if he loved it so much.

One final thought. Besides my recent issues with someone stealing the concrete slabs off my dam, I've always been able to find the perps by offering some other skell a few bucks for information. $20 bucks goes a long way to sell out a fellow perp.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."