Originally Posted by CityDad
Hi I'm sorry if this question is obvious but...

If you have a private pond, and it doesnt have a single double digit bass... Do you REALLY have a private pond?


LOL! I say double digit bass isn't the above all end all. They are the most costly prize, to be sure. But when one thinks about what they could have had if this hadn't been the goal, maybe for many it just isn't worth it.

I say it isn't your private pond UNLESS it is the fishery you want. I am reminded of friend who wanted a crappie pond. Above all else, he wanted crappie and everything else was to revolve around that. His wants were immediately affronted with no's and shouldn't do that, etc. He got lots of advice but in the end every bit of it actually favored growing Large LMB and BG forage. As a consequence, he has beautiful trophy bass but very few crappie. He has the pond they want but not the pond he wanted. So I ask you, does he have a private pond?

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers