I fill your pain. frown I have been raking out Bushy Pondweed for 4 days. I have pulled out several hundred pounds of it. About 10 times as much as you have pictured in the piles of your Parrot stuff. I have also added a contact herbicide where I see the plant growing. I am using a 14' boat and rake it and pull it into the boat, then unload the boat onto my pier, let it dry for a day and then load a wheel barrow to haul it to a future burn pile. And I have to bail out the boat after every boat load is unloaded. I would say around 5 gals of water per load. I am headed out this morning for another 4 to 6 loads pf BPW. I would love to find some laborers and put them to work. If I would have known this was going to happen, I would have killed the plants back in early spring. You don't know what you don't know. I also added GC and can not see where they put much of a dent in it. But I guess it would be worse without the GC. I have seen alot of life that is in the BPW. Insects, fish fry, mussels, along with some type of eggs that have been in the stuff.

Last edited by TGW1; 06/23/20 07:52 AM.

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