It's officially spring and things are looking pretty good! I'm choosing to not think about the leak for a moment. whistle

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I dumped 100 4"+ Golden Shiners in a few weeks ago. I haven't seen any since then, and this guy likes to hang out in the exact spot I put them in. I guess that was expensive fish food, ha.

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Most of the phragmites went brown and I could pull them out with a rake fairly easily. The few that remain will get another dose of shoreklear-plus very soon.

The previous owner left some salt of endothall behind. I read up on that a little and decided to broadcast a bit of that from the shoreline. It didn't kill all the algae, but is cleared the water up quite a bit. The remaining algae is growing in clumps and I can scoop that out. I ordered a bale of barely straw to mess around with. That stuff isn't easy to come by!

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I marked up my little tackle box with inch markings up to 12". The bass are just a bit bigger than that. I'll need to get a yard stick out there.

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Lots to learn. ~4200sqft pond LMB BG.