We have had gams in the small seasonal ditches and creeks as long as I can remember. It always amazed me that they could be in a drainage ditch a quarter mile from the main creek. The drainage ditch would dry nearly completely up. Yet when it rained there the gams would be. Even if the ditch completely dried up, as soon as the main creek was flooded enough for a water highway, the gams would be back in that ditch. Way back when I was young had no idea what kind of fish they were. Just called them little minnows. But I am sure they were gams because they were top water mostly just like they are today. We got a ton of them in the little seasonal creek that runs between my ponds right now. I have a rock crossing that I drive the UTV through and hundreds of them scatter each time.

Last edited by snrub; 05/20/20 10:33 PM.


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