I'll do some homework for you for the smallest varieties and you do the rest by looking up what these look like and window shop acceptable prices to you. Search other lily sellers and they will provide other variety names and size spread info. For the shallowest growing hardy water lilies look for the dwarf types that have a spread of 1'-3' and grow only in the shallowest area of a pond likely 1'-3' deep. Next deeper growing lilies are the Small variety 3'-5' some 6' - read descriptions. Mediums grow in 4'-7ft deep spread 6'-8'- depending.

Note - the smaller the varieties of lilies generally blooms will be smaller (2"-3"). Dwarf lilies have about 1/2 - 3/4 smaller leaves and blooms than Medium and Large lilies. Some Medium Large lilies can have 8" dia blooms 10"-12" dia leaves.
Hermine - white 1 -2.5ft spread and depth
Alba - white 1'-3' spread and spread
Helvola - yellow 1'-3'
Aurora - changable open yellow to 3rd day reddish pink 1'-3'
Paul Hariot chngable whitish pink to pinkish orange 3rd day 1'-3'
Liou - red 1'-3'
Indiana - chngable apricot to later orange red 1'-3' My favorite.
Laydekeri Lilacea - pink 1'-3'
Chrysantha - orange darkening to reddish 2'-3' not in hot ponds

A few of the SMALLS
Little Sue - chngable white pink then pink orange 2'-3'
Souix - chngble pale yellow, then apricot then copper red 3'-4'
James Brydon - red 3'-5'
Sulphurea - yellow 3'-5'
Breit Strawn - peach pink 2'-4'
Comanche - chngble 3'-5'

Suppliers Numerous ones the Web.
Ones I know:
Texas Water Lilies
Perrys Water Gardens
Lilypons Water Gardens
Zetts fish Farm sells relatively cheap generic lilies & pond plants.
Note pay close attention to how to plant bare root plants because carelessness can kill a $20+ lily.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 03/01/20 08:14 PM.

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