Now that I have hung out here at PB for the last few years and watched my pond/dirt guy renovate my pond, I would like to play in the dirt myself and make a pond...or maybe just renovate/enlarge the small catch basin pond up the hill on my the property.

I had the opposite view of the juicy muck. Mine was aged for many months in the pond with a broken dam and moved more like slow lava. At one point, the operator did not realize it was flowing further down the back side of the dam and had mostly filled in a catch culvert where my pipeworks takes the pond's over flow under my gravel lot (100 plus feet). Luckily I got home in time to notice ands stop him before it flowed into the pipe and it was mostly dug back out with the mini-ex.

I was not happy because it meant more physical labor for me straightening all the stacked rock back out after the mini-ex did it's work/distruction.

Fish on!,