Originally Posted By: jwetovick
Gosh I feel sorry for you. i am not convinced 2 4 d drift caused this. First off, 2 4 is a broad leaf chemical so when u say ur brome was already smoked, that's not from 2 4 d. Brome is a grass n not killed by 2 4 d unless possibly sprayed by a very heavy dose. If they sprayed only a day ago there is little chance a decrease in oxygen could occur as plants don't decay a day after being sprayed. Something else is going on. Be interesting to see what you find out. Hope you get an answer.

It was a 2 4 D and fertilizer mix, it was the fertilizer that burned the brome grass, the 2 4 D killed the algea bloom in the pond and caused a DO sag.

I have absolutely zero FA or other aquatic vegetation in my pond due to the GSH, it is all microscopic algea suspended in the water column, the water color went from green to brown overnight. Dead and dying fish less than 24 hours after spraying in the wind, what else would have caused it?

Last edited by Shorty; 05/17/19 09:39 PM.