Be aware the Green Clean-Pro is not as effective nor powerful on larger longer filaments as large masses of FA as copper sulfate. GC-P is much safer but not as effective as same dosages of CuSO4. GC-P is most effective on new short growths of FA before it gets long, stringy, and bulky. Use it best as a pro-active management.

GC-P is best used as early reduction of new growths of FA on the bottom; a pro-active form algae management when FA is still short strands covering bottom areas. GC-P is not as effective for big floating masses of FA because it takes a lot of GC-P to work on killing the high volumes of biomass FA growths. GC-P works on it but it takes a lot of GC-P to do the job which can get expensive.

GC-P is specialized for and highly effective on floating thin films(scums) of blue green algae at and near the surface.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 03/14/19 09:54 AM.

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