I have not read the details, but I have a ditch that is fed by surface water only after rain, and also from a field tile. I read this as not being a WOTUS ditch under the new rule. Once this is adopted, my plan was to submit a request of the Army Core of Engineers for there evaluation of jurisdiction. If they agree it is not a WOTUS ditch, then at least building a pond in the ditch area would not be under federal oversight, but local restrictions may still apply. In fact, I wanted to build this pond several years ago to trap runoff from 80 acres of crop land before it reaches an EPA impaired creek, but government red tape had me divert funds to a large pole building. Now that building adds more water for runoff into the same EPA impaired creek. -- Unforeseen negative environmental impact from poorly prepared regulation!

Last edited by RAH; 02/22/19 06:54 AM.