If I had persnickety CC, I would buy a single bag of sinking catfish feed. Mix some floating and sinking. I hand feed. Using a feeder might be different. But CC can be shy till they get used to your presence. We have multiple year classes of CC recruitment and I will still see some CC frantically swimming about for feed near the bottom while others are eating floating pellets. They know there is food near by the feeding frenzy, but have just not been conditioned yet to go to the surface which is unnatural for them.

Some feed on the bottom (modest amounts of sinking feed - don't get carried away and foul the water) will get the shy ones conditioned to eat commercial feed and look for it at feeding time. Once they have the idea they can transition to the floating feed.

You don't have to continue feeding the sinking feed. Just long enough to get them started. One bag likely will be all that is needed.


Last edited by snrub; 02/04/19 09:43 PM.


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