Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
From the beginning: "a decent amount of BG,CC and LMB 'in pond/lake' around 9 acres or so if you were to add maybe 30 white crappie around 6 inches or so do you think they would take over?" Then you say: "the lake is full of bluegill due to not having any real predators its very hard to catch a bass i fished for 1 year solely with plastic worms and caught only 5 bass out of maybe 40 trips so that lets me know that the crappie should be fine."

I think crappie would NOT do fine in this situation. Crappie could easily overpopulate in this fishery balance. Also from your description I do not think there is a "decent" amount of LMB in the pond/lake. We/you need to know why catches of LMB even those 8"-12" are not common. In a balanced fishery in 9 acres one should be able to catch 5 to 6 LMB at 8"-14" long for every 2 to 3 hr fishing trip using plastic worms and/or live bait. When LMB are balanced one/you should catch a few 6"-12" LMB while fishing for just BG and/or Crappie.

LMB or HSB need to be common or abundant for producing a successful crappie fishery. Is this your private pond/lake or just a place you are allowed to fish? We need to know why LMB are not more common in this pond. See more below.

I would not add crappie to a pond where there is an abundance of BG and where LMB are hard to catch,,,, because high numbers of small bass need to be present to control crappie's prolific numbers or reproduction potential because they can easily overpopulate when predatory pressure is not high on the small 1"-4" most abundant size of crappie. The current high numbers of bluegill are IMO already stressing the natural food base of the pond. The pond is currently at fish carrying capacity. I think the current fishery and the existing overall pond habitat needs to be better assessed, evaluated, and put into a better balance before adding another fish species.

Adding artificial structure or encouraging natural structure "might" help improve the fishery.

Adding crappie I think will further limit the amount of natural foods available for small fish and ALL small fish species will struggle to grow to harvestable sizes. From your description so far,, it sounds to me like the pond needs more predators(LMB) not add new crappie. Adding a new fish capable of reproducing abundantly, that you would like to catch, to a pond at already carrying capacity can put the whole pond ecosystem in " fishery balance trouble". Adding the wrong fish species could further decrease the quality of the fishery long term. Adding crappie to a pond full of BG could create a pond full of stunted BG and stunted Crappie; none bigger than 4"-6".

I think you should first be enhancing the predator fishes rather than adding crappie. WORK to get the pond's fishery balanced to where you can regularly catch 8"-10" BG before adding any crappie. It is possible the pond has too many small BG who are,,, or have been limiting the recruitment of LMB which is why you are not catching very many LMB per fishing trip. Consider adding HSB to the fishery to diversify and improve the predator community and feed the BG so many BG grow to big 8"-11" sizes.

Is this a your private pond/lake or just a place you are allowed to fish? Are there fish feeders on the pond?

heres the thing theres 3 lakes on my road i mostly just fish the bottom the very top lake about 7 acres is horrible the middle lake is decent for blue gill and white crappie at times iv been able t catch like 30 slabs in 2 hours the pond has no catfish and only a few small bass and is only 2 acres which is surprising

the lake isnt mine but nobody has cared for them since 2000 iv been fishing it since i was 10 years old now 27 they dont want anything t do with them put any money or anything they just sit there havnt been socked in decades and allowed me t do what i want to them as far as fish goes since nobody fishes it but maybe 5 people a year

the lake doesnt have small bg it has some big bluegills quite healthy id say i can always catch good sized gills idk tb if it has crappie the second lake does and it does have spillway which when overflow water pours over but iv never caught a crappie in it

instead of adding lmb could i add catfish to use as predators im not a fan of bass id rather grow some big cats than big bass