
I would think that a very healthy 18" LMB would be able to consume a 9" GSH. May be the upper limit though. But if the 18" LMB is in a weakened condition ... it may not be able to capture them effectively. I think it might be difficult to catch enough shiners to make big enough dent and I might be reluctant to do it as those 9"+ GSH would be exceptional forage for 20+" LMB.

I have to wonder if the problem is too much competition among your LMB. If you could relieve their numbers sufficiently to improve their condition, they may grow to the size and condition to slay the big GSH. If they can turn the corner, you might grow some really big bass.

If you do cull GSH, I would not throw them away. Feed them to your bass by clipping fins and releasing them back.

Last edited by jpsdad; 11/29/18 11:42 AM.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers