Hi everyone, I'm a new memeber here and I desperatley need some help. Here's a little info on the pond. It's a natural lake with springs that go into it and it's the size of an acre. It was always great for fishing at anytime of the day and night. It has all diifferent florida species of fish including Largemouth bass, Bluegill, Brim, Channel catish, Mosquito fish, grass shrimp, Lake chubsuckers and even Swamp darters. The pond or small lake's average depth is five feet and in two small areas it is around ten feet deep. It is also heavily surrounded with trees.
Now the problem, I have a serious fish kill. It seems like all the bluegill, brim and the smaller bass have all been killed. The reason I think they all have been killed is because all the Mosquito fish are swimming all over the lake. They have never done that before and they always stay right up on the shore line. Now I haven't seen any catfish or bass over a foot long dead yet.
We had Hurricae Francis hit West Palm Beach Florida three weeks ago that rose the water up three feet which made the lake alot healthier looking. We had a couple of trees fall in the lake but nothing to bad. I have even fished out there a few times after the hurricane and everything seemed just fine until I went out to the lake yesterday. That's when I smelled fish. I new something was wrong and when I reached the lake I was shocked. Most of the banks were covered with dead fish. The fish all turned white in color and that was the only thing I noticed that was wrong with them. I took the canoe out and servade the damage. What I did notice was some sort of dark blueish algea started growing in the middle of the lake and the lake turned a brown color. Normaly the lake was a clear in the sunlight and dark when the sun wasn't out.
Does someone know what could of happened to all these fish? Should I go out to the lake and scoop the dead fish out? What should I do? I'm very upset and saddened because I really love fish and I hate to see a natural habitat die. Thank you.

Steve F