Trapping crawdads last year took me back to the age of 10...walking the creek with a trap, net, and a bucket. The two methods I found the most productive...

1.) Crawdad trap from Bass Pro, handful of dry dog food in a sock bread tied to the inside of the cage (otherwise the coons get it out of the cage too easy). Thrown in enough water to cover the trap and then some. Check it once or twice a day and hope the "Creek don't rise".

2.) A 6x10 dip net with a 4 foot handle dragged quickly over the rocky bottom in the shallows or in conjunction with a herding stick (regular ole' tree limb) in the deeper (1' -2') pools. Using the stick to herd visible crawdads into the stationary net.

I bet I moved 300 crawdads to the pond last year all in all using these two methods. Certainly more than I needed, but being ten again was hard to let go!

Fish on!,