Thanks! I thought it was a good looking fish also.

Kind of hated to fillet it, but with an over abundance of forage fish in this pond almost everything forage fish wise caught that is big enough gets filleted or if small gets transferred to a trash pond or cut the tail off for a LMB snack. I try to harvest quite a lot of fish to keep the biomass of the pond at reasonable levels to prevent a fish kill. I feed so the pond produces lots of pounds of fish.

The ones that go back into the pond are large male BG and CNBG, all RES, a select few large female BG if they look like they have outstanding genetics (but most females get filleted) and once in a while a large GSF if it looks like it has the potential to reach trophy size.

If I ever get the LMB population up to speed not as many will fall under the knife. I would really like to be catching lots of 1-2# LMB but there are few to be found in my pond. I did catch about a 4 pound LMB yesterday, but luckily it flipped off my barbless 1/64 oz jig before I could land it. In this hot weather I was glad it got away before I got it out of the water.

It was a really good fishing day yesterday.

Last edited by snrub; 07/05/18 09:22 AM.


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