Originally Posted By: anthropic

PS Re the question of whether TP are worth stocking for LMB, it would be interesting to note what happens to LMB & BG numbers & relative weights in ponds where TP are stocked, and compare to ponds where they aren't.

I totally agree. Other added forage (eg TFS) has been studied and we a have a good handle of the benefits for LMB and the detriments for BG. In the case of TFS, it is known that they reduce BG biomass but the productivity of the system is improved for LMB.

To me, it seems quite reasonable that TP are an overall benefit to ponds as they are a species that feeds very low on the food chain, are able to utilize primary production of macro-algae, and their biomass is returned to other pond creatures at the end of the season. Even so to propose that BG biomass is improved requires evidence that to date is lacking. There may already be enough anecdotal evidence of improved LMB biomass to expect confirmation in trials.

I think it would be great to see some studies on the LMB/BG/TP interaction to understand how pros and cons may contribute to management goals.

Last edited by jpsdad; 07/05/18 08:04 AM.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers