Originally Posted By: jason miller
Either of you two scientists happen to read my post? I was hoping maybe someone would weigh in about the viability of fish eggs being transported.

Jason, it is certainly possible and generally accepted to occur over large time scales. To date little real science has been conducted to understand the role birds play and the time scales required. The general acceptance of the the hypothesis is being challenged and calls for research are being made. One of the reasons that research hasn't been conducted is because there is broad agreement that the time scales involved are large. In other words, a scientist might not live long enough to observe it in an experiment he has devised to eliminate the possibility of other more frequent causes of fish transport.

I am not a study of this hypothesis and I have only recently been exposed to the debate. I did find some research and some research dialogs online that are referenced in this thread if you are interested ...


Last edited by jpsdad; 06/29/18 05:47 PM.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers