It had a fish kill about a year ago (because of my own negligence and stupidity)and all the fish with the exception of some very small BG, HBG (naturally produced in this pond) and GSF died. But there were a few small fish that survived. Any fish of any size either died or I used a dip net to catch them before they died and transferred them to my main pond (a good windy day blew them to the shore where they were easy to net as they were gasping for air on the surface) The pond has never had LMB.

So last fall I stocked 100 4-6" LMB to grow out, a hundred fingerling RES plus some larger ones from my forage pond, and a pound of FHM. I had thought all or nearly all the fish had been killed by the fish kill but by fishing it pretty hard this spring a few times have pulled out probably 30 or 40 CNBG, HBG and some GSF that were5-6" long. All were about the same size so I think some very small fish had survived the fish kill.

My main concerns now is that there are not many of the LMB left. I don't think any of the survival GSF would have been big enough to eat the 4-6" LMB last fall but those buggers are aggressive so not sure. So that is one worry. Could have had some winter kill. The other worry is we has a fit this spring with cormorants while the water was still cold and the fish sluggish. They were in this pond a few times before I got them run off. A flock of them about cleaned out my old refurbished one acre pond (I have 5 ponds total) so they may have got some of my fingerling bass in this pond too.

My reason for the above concern is I have been able to catch a half dozen LMB fairly easily. But I am not catching them anything like I think I should be able to with 100 fish in 1/10th acre. I took 3 out the other day and put in the main pond at about 10" but have not caught any since but have not tried too hard either. I would like to let them grow till about October hopefully about a foot long and transfer as many as I can catch and put in the main pond. I do not want to fish for them too much and make them hook shy but on the other hand also not sure I have many left. Too much FA in that pond to seine and FA and a cast do not get along well together at all.

Last edited by snrub; 06/23/18 01:33 PM.


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