Originally Posted By: John Fitzgerald
I wish I could learn to throw a cast net. I have spent hours and hours trying from time to time, but it usually lands in a heap. About one out of 10 throws is good.

John I just have a baby cast net and they are not too hard. Get up into the bigger sizes and I bet they are tricky.

One thing I have found to be important is that you coil up the retrieve rope and hold it in your hand properly. If I get tired or lazy and just kind of bunch that rope helter skelter most times the rope will catch the edge of the weights as they fan out and destroy the pattern.

I'm not at all good at throwing the one I have but can do a respectable job close to the shore which fortunately is where the RES fingerlings hang out near sunset. I can throw a longer throw pretty good "some days". It seems like if I get it right I can throw for a number of times and get it right. But if I start throwing badly I just as well quit for a while because the harder I try the worse I get. It takes a fluid, almost lazy, motion to get the weights to fan out into a nice circle. If I start "trying" too hard I throw tacos.

Maybe I can embarrass myself at snrub's PBF informal get together in September and give a demonstration.

Last edited by snrub; 06/22/18 09:47 AM.


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