I assume you stocked from a local fish farm. Another clue would be if that fish farm does not sell bullhead or warmouth then these probably did not come in with the fish that you did intend to stock. Fish farms probably stock/sell LMB so they 'COULD' have hitchhiked in with the others.

If you sourced from several fish farms or a travelling fish truck then the conclusions from this kind of logical thinking are pretty poorly supported..

Fish finding a way to selfstock or fish holding tightly with their fins to the feet of flying great blue heron? That is the stuff that legends are made of.

Bullhead are not found at fish farms around me so if bullhead showed up in my pond the first thing I would do is check every puddle/pond or lake within a 3-5 mile radius. The one that has bullhead in it is probably the one that also has warmouth and LMB in it too.

Trespassers doing bucket stocking is possible but again might be a little less likely based on how remote your pond is. On the other hand, it seems that remote ponds are magnets for trespassers as the challenge of getting in undetected is hard to resist, and you add to that the thought that there probably are fish there that NO ONE ELSE knows about or fishes for and then your mind starts scheming...

Last edited by canyoncreek; 06/15/18 02:56 PM.