I asked this question in another ongoing turtle thread but no one really addressed it, so I thought I would ask again here hoping maybe it'll see more eyes. My problem is a half acre pond that I am trying to slowly improve, that is chock full of turtles, both surface types and snappers. Ordinarily, I wouldn't care, but the snappers are killing and maiming my adult (pet) ducks. When I tried baiting lines for the snappers, the sliders and painted turtles eat the bait as soon as it hits the water. So, I researched, and then bought, one of those nice floating traps-the type that is held up by two boat bumpers. The idea is the turtles crawl up the ramp to "sun" and fall in. Problem is, it's been out almost a week now and not a single turtle has been caught. Two days ago I got really excited as I saw a huge slider was crawling up the ramp. I don't know if he saw me or what, but he slid off to the side and hasn't been back. So, that's encouraging that one was at least trying, but again, still none caught and you can almost walk across the pond on them at feeding time! Have any of you had similar experience with these? Does it just take longer for them to get used to it? Btw, I have it tied out in the middle where I see the most activity. Puzzled....