Update on my fish eating Optimal.
I've been feeding Optimal BG since last September. The approximately 20 RNBT and TT (tiger trout) are feeding well. Rainbows splash water at least 10 feet when they rise, getting me wet, dousing my cell phone, spotting my sunglasses. Lots of energy. The tigers take a more gentle approach to feeding.
What I'm most interested in is that my GSF and YP are actively surface feeding. That has taken a few years. They are incredibly fat.
And, last night and again tonight, I got to watch a BCP sip pellets off the surface. Another crappie was shadowing the feeding fish, as if to observe what was going on.
It may be the trout voraciously feeding spurred the other species of fish to try the pellets. Occasionally a big LMB will cruise by and take a panfish for dinner.
Anyway, Optimal is working really well for me. Only trout fed on the Aquamax and Skretting feeds I tried in past years. I'm thoroughly satisfied with Optimal.