To add to what Matzilla says about trapping, some fish are much more prone to go into a trap than others.

In my forage pond with only RES, GS and a few GSF by trapping with a minnow trap using percentages for fish in the trap it would say I have lots and lots of GSF. But when I use a cast net I get far more RES than I do GSF. In fact I get very few GSF.

I have learned that GSF are chow hounds and will readily go into a trap for food. RES not so much so. I think the RES stumble into the trap more by accident than by desire. LMB fingerlings I think are the same way, not attracted to feed in a trap very well.

My point is just be aware that doing percentages based on trapped fish may not reflect the numbers of each species you have in the pond. Some fish just go into traps better than others.

Last edited by snrub; 05/29/18 11:35 PM.


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