I did not bring any soil. The ponds are a couple miles apart. The smartweed in the source pond is very dense and goes out pretty deep. I did read of some growing as tall as 36". That would be perfect on the shallower side of my pond. I'm assuming yours does not go very far into the BOW? One reason I didn't take soil with me was the number of rhizomes already coming off the roots, it was crazy. Even if that main trunk dies I feel like I'll have a good chance of a good spread. I dug them up, placed in trashbag, went straight to our pond and planted. The holes I dug were more of soupy mud, so a few fell over. I would like to introduce some other plants also. After identifying this I wasn't scared of it, and it was free, on my uncles land.

Below is one that I removed when I was identifying. All the ones I planted had sprouts coming off the roots just like this. I'm anxious just to see how quickly they pop up when they actually get some sunlight.

The reason I wonder about it staying on the shore around here...or this particular variety, is what it has done in the pond next to the shop.

I know it goes at least 30 feet out into this pond. The pond drops quickly. I would like to get out there sometime and pull one on the edge and just see how tall they are. I do not know the depth of the pond, but I would say its growing in at least 4 feet of water. But like I said I do not know for sure. I would like for it to do something similar to this in my cove, and around the southern edge of the pond.

I've found myself looking at plants in all the ponds around my area, just in case something tickles my fancy or looks interesting. I wish my primrose would take off...I'm scared to try to fertilize it or anything due to my FA. I guess I could throw a little nitrogen on some of it just to see what it would do...no phosphorus though...think I have plenty of that. lol