Al, the APW grew best in low water conditions and died back during the low water temps I saw this winter. And then we had high water and I thought maybe the plant was too deep with 18 to 21" visibility at the time I thought it should have been coming back. Now I am at 24" visibility with no APW.

Pat, sounds like an interesting plant. Does it get thick enough to provide cover? I found in my fishing lakes, I could most always catch a bass or two when fishing isolated apw patches.

Frank, you could be right about crawfish eating it. I found a few molting skeletal remains at the waters edge a few weeks ago and I believe I have some that took up residence in the pond. I also suspected my cloudy water last fall and early winter may have been due to crawfish hatch???

Plans are to replant the APW as soon as I can find some locally I can transplant.

Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
