You've got some inherent challenges with the way your pond shrinks, essentially concentrating the nutrients each yr. I have nutrient rich water flowing into my pond and causing a lot of FA (filamentous algae). Your addition of aeration is the most important first step, but I'll share a couple things that I'm doing to mitigate the issues without chemicals.

1) Physically remove as much surface FA as you can and till it into your garden or find someone who wants a great garden soil amendment.

2) It is best to avoid fertilization of plants and the lawn areas near your pond.

3) Add a couple floating islands. You could spend a lot of money on these, but in a pond the size of yours I think you could float a couple tires. Fill them with foam or plastic bottles, milk jugs, etc, place a grate on the bottom of the hole, and set a few potted plants in it. Cannas, some annual flowers, and many ornamental grasses are great plants for this.

You didn't mention anything about fish. Grass carp can help with many rooted plants, but don't expect them to change FA occurrence. Don't put more than one in a pond your size.

J Waters
Dam'd Waters Farm
2/3 ac dam'd stream pond