I went back and reviewed the literature for the latest stuff on influenza. The seasonality of flu, although well documented (that it occurs) is still not well understood (why). An article I just finished reading speculated that the dry/cool air of fall/winter does seem to be a more ideal environment than humid/warm summer conditions. But influenza, while nearly dormant in the spring/summer months, is still active. China is nearly always the origin of most flu outbreaks and peak activity.

Best advice on flu:
1. Get your flu shot
2. Use contact/droplet precautions (sneeze into your elbow, wash your hands often and especially before meals, avoid touching common surfaces at work like door knobs and break room counters, avoid the 'family buffet' as if it literally contained the plague)
3. Most cases of influenza do not need to be treated with prescription meds like Tamiflu. Exceptions are pregnant ladies and people with poor immune systems (under cancer treatment, have chronic medical condition that depresses the immune system, et al)

"Politics": derived from 'poly' meaning many, and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.