Many, many years ago as a young man I had a contractor do some dozer work for me. I got out there with my tractor doing some odds and ends. Thinking he might be a little miffed that I thought he was not doing a good job or something (he was doing a fine job) I half way apologized for altering his work.

He said no problem and that by doing some of it myself I was taking ownership of the job. He said everyone needs to feel involved and part of the project and my participation was part of that process.

I have remembered that quote from the contractor (who was actually younger than me, we were both just pups) all these years. There is just something about getting your hands dirty that makes the project "personal". Even when a person can afford to have everything done for them, doing a bit (or a lot) of the project with ones own hands brings "ownership" to the project.

Last edited by snrub; 12/03/17 11:25 PM.


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