I'm going to disagree. (Imagine that)

The conference is what you make of it.

Yes there are booths with wears to see and there are great speakers with a great deal of information and there are a lot of people to talk with. All true. But if that is all you take form the conference, you have missed the elephants in the room. Yes I can watch youtube and see "experts" doing anything I want to "learn" but, I can interact with everyone at the conference. I get to ask my questions, and I get to answer the questions posed to me. I get to laugh with people from all over the gambit. I get to talk to real people that have done interesting things and I get to ask them why.

Interaction, friendship, reunions and sharing are why we go. We look forward to the conferences and save up early. In short, we plan on these events and can't wait for the next one.

Funny how many people pay for cigarettes, alcohol, game day tickets, parking, ect. and other "treats" and balk at paying for knowledge. Amazing.

rant complete.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%