What an exciting palette to work with! I'm brand new to pondmeistering, so I can't help ya much, but I am intrigued by what you find out and how your project progresses. I would suppose that any aeration is better than no aeration in ponds where there is no natural circulation. Based on what's been shared with me here on the forum, you are looking at just a smidge shy of 75 million gallons of water in your pond (325,851 gal/surface acre). With that amount of water, I don't think anything you do to it will have a "real time" response... that's also A LOT of space for fish to live and consequently not be seen.

I'm hoping you update us with what the DNR tells ya... and I if I were in your shoes, I would talk to a professional about help scoping the amount of aeration you need and where to place it. I bet there are quite a few folks on this forum that can help you in that department.


96.85840735 percent clayton... the rest is just pi.

We become what we think about.