YP will "thrive" better in a 4 ac pond with LMB than a smaller less than 1 ac pond due to more habitat availability in the larger pond. Thrive means produce harvestable adults and successfully & regularly recruit new individuals into the community.

An initial pond stocking of YP with fingerling LMB can result for several years (5-7) to produce a viable YP fishery. After the first 7 years is the real test of a thriving YP population co-existing with LMB. The degree of YP thriving and co-existing with LMB is dependent on type and amount of habitat in the pond.

If you are interested in measuring or numerically evaluating the success of YP in your pond with LMB, then keep some accurate catch records. Record how many YP you catch compared to BG and other panfish. The percentage catch of YP is your annual measurement of YP success. In keeping records it is also important to note the sizes of YP you are catching. If after 5 to 7 years you are catching few if any 5"-7" YP then they are not thriving in your pond. There needs to be good numbers of 5"-7" YP to take the place of the 8"-12" YP that are harvested or die of old age. Otherwise the LMB are overeating the young YP. If after 8-10 years you are still regularly catching YP as in years 3-5 then YP are a success in your LMB based pond.

I am anxious and very interested in how YP are performing in your 4 acre LMB pond after 5 to 7 years. Keep good catch records to prove your results and return to help educate all of us about YP with LMB. Good luck with your new pond.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 10/30/17 08:00 PM.

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