Well, I set a bobber with a worm and took to walking the banks casting a spinner bait. After an hour or so I made it around the pond without a bite. Checked the bobber, (it was under of coarse) had another baby cat fish. If I was going for a great cat fish pond I would say Im there. Its very easy to catch them, you will either get a baby cat or more likely a 2 pounder + or - a little.
The heavy brown color that was there thursday is gone? I filled a quart jar that im looking at right now. It has a hint of green but for the most part its just cloudy. You cant see thru it but if you hold your hand up to one side you can make out the color of your skin. We will see if anything settles to the bottom and I will post the results tomarrow.

From all the info I have recieved over the past heres my thinking, Ill make a case both ways.

The BG and LMBs have to be in there because:
1. They were stocked twice.
2. There has never been one dead floating at the bank.
3. The cats are thriving, they have to be eating somthing.
4. Just cant catch them since the water clarity is so bad.
5. cat fish, frogs, snails & minnows do well in the pond so the BG and LMB should too.

The BG and LMB cant be in there because:

1. Cant catch them.
2. Never see the LMB jump like others do in there pond.
3. Never see them at the surface.
4. They all died and instead of floating they just sank to the bottom.
5. If the BG and LMB were in there they would have finished off the minnow population long ago.

Which is it??????????