Thanks for all the help, I am heading out right now (8 am saterday) to see what I can hook onto. To answar some of the questions, the pond was like this last year too. There is dry land corn on 2 sides of the pond but I dont think any run off can get to the pond, its built with high banks and an overflow tube.
We did have trouble with suspended clay early on as it was difficult to get plant growth on the edges and the entire area was escavated during pond construction so when it would rain lots of dirt would enter the pond. I will do the jar test to see if thats still a problem.
The pump is back going again and the voltage might be a good idea to check as it runs on 200 ft of cord, as it has for 2yrs but a bad connection is possible.
Since the second stocking I have seen only one fish (BG) dead at the side of the pond and that was last fall. So would I be correct to say that if I was losing fish at this time I would find them floating at the edge??????