Many posts on this site advising on bloom, water vis. ect. A little searching can save you the same sorrows others have had.
There is a reason the pros now advise a min. of 18" vis. verses the 12" that used to be the standard. 12" vis is too close to the danger every pondmiester is very careful to avoid when fertilizing a pond. If something unforseen happens & the bloom increases beyond 12" vis a fish kill is very probable if the bloom continues to increase.
You say vis is 3"-4". Very not good!
I am not a pro .. going from memory:(which btw isn't too good anymore) The algae will produce oxygen during the day & use oxygen at night. If vis is 18" or better then more oxygen will be produced during the day than is used at night. Somewhere below 12" the algae will use more oxygen at night than it can produce during the day. So it dies. As the bloom dies it consumes more oxygen as it decays & the decaying matter adds more nutrients to the pond starting the cycle over again.
So. The result is very low do and a fish kill starting with the largest fish.

He did suggest that the poor clarity may be a factor since the BG and LMB strike on sight and the cats on smell?? anyone buy that???
Yes the hatchery guy is correct.

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