Thanks for the replies. I stopped at the fish hatchery yesterday and he suggested and I bought 10 grass carp. He also suggested copper sulfate but said he wouldnt put it in now since it may kill eggs from any recent spawning activity. Is there any of that stuff that wont hurt the eggs??
He said to put in the bluing agent. He didnt know why I would be having trouble catching blue gill and LMB since from the stocking #s I could be overstocked. He did suggest that the poor clarity may be a factor since the BG and LMB strike on sight and the cats on smell?? anyone buy that???
When I got home with the grass carp I noticed A big change in the pond, It is now brown instead of green? Is this just the next phase???
Onto the clarity, Its hard to describe but Im reading on here all the time about people fertilizing to reduce visibility down to 18-24in. That has NEVER been my problem, Visibilty right now is down too 3-4 inches and the best I have ever seen it is 8-10 in.????

So my two issues to resolve is:

#1 Why is my clarity so poor and is it a problem???

#2 Why cant I catch the blue gill and LMG, does anyone think there somehow not in there and I need to restock again???

One more issue that somone may have experience on. My air pump ( 2 yrs old) wont start any more by itself, you have to plug it in, then reach in with a screwdriver and spin the pump end and it takes right off. after numerous hours of run time it quits, and when I find it like this its hotter than **** . I let it cool and then re- spin start it again. I changed the capaciter but that didnt help, I even tried a super booster??