We have a pond that was filled for the first time in may 2002. Its man made and filled with a well. The pond is very murky, very low visibility. lots of algea suspended in the water, not to much floating. Its about 3/4 acres and has an areater sp. running 24/7. lots of weed beds in the shallows under the water surface. 9ft at the deepest and probably averages 4ft.

We stocked 70 cat fish, 350 blue gill & 2000 minnows on 5-20-02. Then 70 large mouth bass on 8-27-02.
In the late fall we found 25-30 blue gill & 15 cats dead at the shore.
After fishing it in the spring of 2003 and not catching any blue gill or bass we desided something went wrong and there gone???? The only thing we could catch were the catfish???
On 8-18-03 we stocked 350 blue gill, 100 lmb, & 100 cats, all of a little larger size.
We have done overall very little fishing out there but over this last weekend we did alot.
We caught several 1.5 lb cats (they seem easy)
1 small blue gill 3-4 inches and 1 cat 5-6 inches???

Now the Questions, I thought the cats would not reproduce in a small pond yet that little cat would say yes and 2 of the 1.5 lb cats had real fat bellies (eggs?)
I think the lone blue gill would have been spawned too but I would expect that.
Why are we not catching blue gill and bass??? You would think you would have too fight the blue gill off with a stick. Now my son swears he had a lmb on that got off right at the shore, about 2 lbs.
Does this over fertle pond make it harder to catch some of them?? Is it good for the fish??

My hatchery says to add some grass carp. Any suggestions? The pond is to unclear to see anything but the minnows and theres lots of them. Everthing we have caught seems plump and healthy. Are they in there and were overstocked now??
Should I remove some 1.5 lb cats since we catch them readily???