Mine are like Johns, although I see a huge difference when changing from grain based to fish meal based feeds.

I have noticed something lately...maybe I just haven't paid attention until now because I've been out building fence every afternoon and was close to the pond, but the smell after feeding. I smell nothing, then feeder goes off, then soon after I get that really fishy lake smell. I'm sure its from the fish breaking water and maybe the feed itself. But I always know now that the feeder went off without being there because of the smell. I love it, wife turns nose up...lol. Its the hot summer lake smell of early morning or late afternoon. I don't know if that makes sense...but I remember if from my childhood when we camped all the time at Lake Degray here in SW Arkansas. Anyways, maybe that sounds silly, but just wanted to share. Kind of thought it neat when I realized it the other day.

Can't wait get the trial.