Yes those bass were supposed to be feed trained. I bought them from Todd at Overtons. Tracy, I did put a bunch of artificial brush piles near the shore and many stacks of wood pallets. And a big plus now is I have a beautiful stand of sawgrass growing all around the pond edge and into about 1 foot of water. You can throw a little feed into the grass and watch the tiny cnbg come out of hiding and go to work on it!! I have seen at least 4 spawns of cnbg every year. I see 1-2 inch cnbg all around the dock so I guess it is working.I have no idea if I have any offspring from last year (first year) spawn. No evidence of it yet. Over the last 16 months I have caught maybe a dozen lmb at various stages of their life. Don't know if I have caught any of the same ones twice. Heck, out of only 50 fish I might have stocked all males or all females!! During last year spawn time I did not have near the shoreline cover I have now so everything might have gotton eaten by the thousands of cnbg. We'll have to wait and see.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.