Ain't it amazing the interest in snakes!(yuk) They are, however a part of nature and ya gotta deal with em! The best and safest way to deal with snakes on rocks is probably "rat shot" it comes in a varitey of calibers, from .22 - .44 mag. Always wear shooting/safety glasses when using it around rocks because it to will ricochet even though it has a limited range (5-10 yards)is my rough estimate. I mostly use it at 5-10 feet along soft shorelines. If the snakes are as agressive as you say, they can be caught using a small hook and one of your dead shiners. Just dangle it in front of them, let them bite, give them some line, and then wait, just like worm fishing for bass. Have someone stand by with a shovel handle, and when you pull the snake out give him a liberal dose of oak !!!!! Use to do this when we were kids on the rice farm, just for fun!! Go Get Um!!!