Thanks for the feed back Tracy! One of the big reasons I wanted the survey was for gathering more information on my predators. Specifically, my pond has BCP. And some pretty big ones. I've also caught ONE LMB, once. Given that my pond is only 2.5 acres, it flies in the face of conventional wisdom on having large BCPs. So the puzzle for me has been, what is allowing my BCP to grow fairly well? Some unknown predator? A food source (in abundance) specific to my pond and it's conditions? My pond is really euthrophic. I have a bunch of 1-3 foot water, with thick sediment on the bottom. And lots of FA most of the summer. So I wonder if those conditions have created a feed environment that my BCP are doing well with...

"Politics": derived from 'poly' meaning many, and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.