Hi all, I hope all in Texas are safe. We live in the Fannett/Beaumont area. For those who aren't familiar, this is about 70 miles east of Houston. We are safe and dry but the same can't be said for most in the area. We rescued my grandfather by boat today. Other than being worn out and tired he was unhurt. I know it's a little early after the storm to be asking pond questions but to be honest, anything to get our minds off it for a few minutes is helpful in the recovery process.

The reason for my post is that we were finally able to make it out to our property today. Our house we are building was dry and intact, but the pond had a major change. Prior to the storm we had a suspended clay issue and I mean big issue.. Our visibility was less than 4 inches. Today when we showed up, the pond had visibility of 20+ inches. The whole area turned into a giant lake with all the ponds in the area (75+ acres in land) and the drainage canal connecting with only the homes above water.

Everything has drained off and our pond now only sits about a foot or so above the level it was at prior to the storm. My question is can I expect the pond to remain clear or was all the fresh rain water what made it clear and I can expect the pond to return to the 4 inches of visibility. It has never had more than four inches of visabiltiy in the last three years. Prior to that I don't know as we have only owned for the three years. It looks amazing right now. I had even reached out to Rainman privately about possible Alum treatments, but if it can stay clear I might have saved some money.

The pond is 3/4 acre. No livestock or animal access. It did have a mudcat issue but we don't catch near as many after some predators were added two years ago.

Just curious what the experts think. Normally after a rain it is worse but today I was expecting the worst and pleasantly surprised. Thanks in advance for any input.
