Jim, I know this would take some time, and I could probably look it up. But your attention to detail and your observations that you have seen make me want to ask.

Would you start a thread detailing the general mating habits of the sunfish. Who starts what, when and in what order do the things happen, what details do we as pond owners look for to see what stage they are in and what is actually happening when our kids ask. I know a male makes the nest and protects it until the fry hatch and the female lays eggs in that nest at some point. Thats about the extent of it. And you can catch fish in the spring when they are on beds I know that one..lol. I know that may be asking a lot. But I would love to hear the observed from the field and true to sunfish details instead of the textbook for most freshwater fish ones.

Thanks for all the time and expertise you are willing to share and have brought along with.