Originally Posted By: blavis
I have about a dozen tabs open for structure ideas and have been slowing building over the past week. I have about 8 done already. Working on some deeper water pieces now. Concrete is drying. I'll post pics once I am done.

Below is day two's progress. I told them I wanted a 4:1 slope on the sides. I will verify tomorrow if it correct, but 4:1 seems a bit steep. Seems like my artificial structure would just roll down to the bottom unless I created a flat area for place them.

The hole is about 9-10 feet deep right now. Which is actually 11-12 feet at full pool

One questions. Everybody here says that a sheepsfoot roller is HIGHLY recommended. Even though they are not going to be putting clay/topsoil back in (after the get done digging), do I still need them to pack it back down?


Most sides are 2:1 or 3:1.