Thanks for the input, I will keep track of the YP, I put 100 YP 2-3 inch in June of this year. At the time the water was between 6-8 inches deep visible, and having a real bad algae bloom. Then at the end of June we had a 500 years type flood in Midland county about 11 inches of rain fell in about 9 hours, my 1/2 acre pond looked like a 2 acre pond and water ran in places it had never ran before, over roads that we have never seen in 45 years had water over them. So I not sure if some fish moved with the water or stayed deep. I do know I still have a good number of fish still feeding. Next spring I will add another 100 fingerlings. Today the water is clear enough to see about 12 inches and that is about as good as it gets, or so it has over the past 3 years. Thanks again, and I will keep up as time goes on, maybe this will be my little research project.

half-acre pond, LMB, HBG, BG, GSH and CC ....goal is to
have fun fishing. And I subscribe!