A few snapshots of the numbers we are making.

Our highest output so far, but I think we will beat it. The altitude actually allows us to produce MORE than the panels are rated for! Finally, ONE advantage to being on the mountain!

Our best overall day so far, over 10KWH, but I think we will beat it too.

And here is what we are doing in the lake. Trenched in a 750' run of 1" airline from the solar shed to the lake. Built a manifold with 10 valves to regulate Summer/Winter diffusers. Those are Vertex diffusers. A Quad, a Dual and a single. I never got to measure exact depths, but the Quad station is in close to 20' of water. The dual is in 16'+ and the single is in 8'+. They are all in the deep end of the lake because I wanted to attack the biggest problem first. I have a 1HP motor running a Gast 1550 so we are making somewhere around 10CFM. Trying to start out conservatively until I see what the system can handle so the pump is only running 6 hours per day right now. So far it seems the system is in float the entire time the pump is running!

I need to install some more diffusers and especially some shallow ones for Winter. I just ran out of sinking line. I will swap over to a 1/3HP motor for Winter so I can easily extend the run times.

EDIT:Added the video

Last edited by wbuffetjr; 08/10/17 12:49 PM.

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