Thanks guys, yes my boys are 100 percent boys that's for sure! My oldest who's in the Army will flat not hesitate to tell you how he feels about certain Yes step back I did for sure! I am almost 50 and haven't seen the place since I was 16. Of course everything looked smaller lol I remember it all being so big!! smile My Grandma and Grandpa were the best of the best... I soaked that all in and just paused for a moment as I looked around so many memories were rushing through my head... I never got to see the place again after 16 as I went off into the Air Force at 17 ish and they had to sell the place while I was gone as they just couldn't take care of it anymore... I was crushed when I heard about it. I guess I always kinda pretended it was still ours for a number of years when it really wasn't, but in my mind it was. Other than our own home Grandpas farm literally was the house that built me... I am just so glad my boys got to see it once.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!