I have GC for my chara. They will eat it fairly good. Depending on how bad you have it really is how you should stock them. I stocked 8 in my 1 acre but I had a LOT of chara and pond weed. They ate the pond weed first. Chara is not top on their list but if there is nothing else to eat they will chow down on it. It really took about 2 years to get it under control. At first you will start to see big round open patches on your pond bottom where the chara used to be. Almost looks like a circle crop if you will. They seem to like to eat in a circle at least mine do. Now with a little help of Aquashade in the late springtime I don't have much chara left anymore. How ever my carp are now 3 plus feet long and this is their 7th year so I need to replace them soon. I've never seen mine eat any floating FA but if they are hungry enough maybe they will as BM61 suggests. Either way they do work for Chara and pond weed for sure.


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!