Originally Posted By: TGW1
I am guessing here, Crumble is a fine cut of a brand named fish food? Or maybe it is a product from the feed maker that had a bunch of dust or fine particles and they found a way to market this waste product?
And as far as using a coffee grinder, I have use one to make fines from my 1/8" Cargills 4512 for feeding FHM's in my sediment pond. I discovered the FHM's preferred the 1/8" over the fine cut. They seemed to make a game out of the small pellets, moving it all around and playing keep away from the others and would pretty much leave the grind size alone. And my TH feeder will throw some fine powder out when it throws out the Cargills 1/8 and 1/4". I think the spin plate will grind some up to make fine. Just asking why would one feed the crumble, I thought the small fry feed on the zooplankton in the pond?

The smaller crumble makes for a good supplement to the natural forages than can be limiting. Size also suitable for feed training phase the fish go through where they learn to consume non-living food items.